Sunday 21 June 2015

Modi enlists yoga for ‘brand India’

Today wasn’t World Yoga Day but World Modi Day, sniped some critics this morning.They said the Indian prime minister stole the show when he rolled out his yoga mat and eased uncomfortably into the lotus position to help break the world record for what is claimed to be the largest yoga session in history. Narendra Modi boasts that he does yoga for an hour every morning but he looked a little stiff as he joined 37,000 other people to perform a series of asanas - yoga positions - on the lawns outside the Indian parliament in celebration of the first UN World Yoga Day.Mr Modi had consistently said he wouldn’t be taking part in the record attempt but in the event he stretched and puffed his way through the 35-minute routine with the rest of them.Some say he simply couldn’t resist the opportunity for an image that will undoubtedly appear in newspapers around the world tomorrow morning.And that’s in keeping with the real spirit of this event, because this is all about public relations.

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